Talking Travel: How Taylor Keeps Her Travels Colorful

For this installment of the Talking Travel Interview Series, I’m so excited to be interviewing my friend and fellow travel blogger Taylor, the creator and writer of #travelcolorfully. Taylor and I “met” over the internet-we actually both worked for the same travel company in Florence, just 1 year apart! Over the past couple of years, we’ve kept in touch, guest posted on each other’s blogs, talked blogging and oogled over each other’s Instagram shots (Taylor’s are seriously amazing…but we’ll get to that later!).

One of the best things about #travelcolorfully is how Taylor really keeps things real. She’ll tell you the truth about her travel experiences, beyond the gorgeous shots she posts on Instagram!

Where did your love of travel begin?

I grew up “traveling” with my family. I put it in quotes because our family vacations consisted of us sitting at an all inclusive resort (which don’t get me wrong, can be pretty sweet too). But, we always took excursions from the property to see what was going on outside those resort walls. My parents taught me to always be curious about the world, which made me want to travel.

You originally started your blog as a fashion and lifestyle blog. At what point did it evolve into a travel blog?

Travel blogging fell into my lap. When I moved to Italy it just made sense to transition my blog (which was called Whiskey Ginger at the time) to a travel blog. About a year later I decided to rebrand to #travelcolorfully and from there things really started to take off for me!

What are some of the different ways you have lived/worked abroad over the years?

I studied abroad in Paris, France and I had a terrible experience. I was in Paris, yet I was caught up with so much of what was going on back home. I really missed out on what could have been a great adventure. But, I don’t regret it at all because the crappy time I had there is what led me to move to Italy.

I lived in Florence for about ten and a half months working at FlorenceForFun and it was literally the best decision I ever made. I looked at the opportunity to go to Italy as redemption for me, or to prove to myself that I could in fact live abroad in another country and not come home depressed. I ended up meeting some of my best friends in the world, traveling all over Europe, and really falling in love with travel and all that comes with it (the good, the bad, and the ugly).

After Italy, my friend Rachel (a fellow tour guide) and I decided to teach English in Thailand. And while I loved living in Thailand, I wasn’t a great teacher (but my little Thai three and four year olds were adorable), so I only stayed for one semester. I spent the next six months traveling all around Southeast Asia. My two best friends from college came out to travel with me for a few weeks and they finally understood why I throw my life into my blog. My Mom also came over for two weeks and we visited Japan together!

This year I’ve been to Central America and Cuba and I will hopefully continue to explore that area. Through all of these experiences, I’ve learned that sharing your travels with people (whether they’re your family, your friends you’ve known forever, the locals, or a group of random people you met five minutes ago in your hostel) is the best part. I’ve met so many people that I would never have come across had I decided to stay put after college.

What are some of the biggest problems you’ve faced while traveling, and how did you overcome them?

I’ve had some crazy things happen while traveling and I’ve learned from all of them. I think the hardest thing for me was when I injured my back in Vietnam and had to spend literally five days in bed/going to the chiropractor. It took everything out of me and it was so hard to make the decision to fly home for a few months. But, one of the most important things to do while traveling is to listen to your body. Being sick, upset, or seriously injured can just ruin a trip and there’s no shame in flying back home to rest.

Do you see yourself living abroad in the future, or are you enjoying living in the States and traveling when you can.

Yes! I’m hoping to pick three countries next year to go spend some extended time in. I’d really love to learn a language and I miss Europe so much so I’m thinking maybe Barcelona.

Your Instagram @taylor_fuller is serious #instagramgoals! How do you find the most colorful places in each place you go?

Hahahaha. Thanks girl! Google is your friend. Seriously. I will simply google, “The most colorful places in ‘X’.” Or I sit on a geotag on Instagram and find some cool places. My goal this year is to try and just travel to places that you don’t have to search for the color. It’s just all over the place.

What are some of your best tips for taking great Instagram shots of your travels?

If you find something you think is interesting snap some photos of it. I find that when you’re in a city the best shots you can get have some of the locals in there. I think that when you’re on a beach, it kind of speaks for itself. And if you’re trying to get some shots of yourself, a tripod (and all the awkward stares that come with it) are necessary. Or you can ask someone (or just make a travel bestie like I did and you’ll be covered).

What is your advice to someone looking to start a travel blog?

Just do it! What works for me isn’t going to work for everyone. But the first thing you have to do is just get started!

Can you tell me a bit about some of your goals for #travelcolorfully?

Right now I’m balancing #travelcolorfully with writing several articles a week for I’d absolutely love it if I could blog full time or be able to support myself enough with work and opportunities that come from it. I’m not sure when that will be, but I’m lucky to have a remote job that lets me travel when I want.

What are some of your upcoming travel plans for 2017?

I just got back from Nicaragua, Panama, Colombia, and Cuba. I’m headed to New Orleans next week, and I’m so excited!

So far for the rest of the year, I’m heading out to California in April/May, hopefully up to New York/Baltimore/DC to visit friends and family, and then off to Europe for June and July (as of now Italy, Malta, Amsterdam).

I’m most excited to go back to Florence because it’s hands down my favorite place in the entire world (and has the best food).

To learn more about Taylor, check out her website #travelcolorfully, or follow her on Instagram @taylor_fuller.

Read other inspiring Talking Travel Interviews here, or check out these posts:

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