Meet Miss Adventures
Ciao, I'm Catalina!
ultimate girls weekend florence

Ciao! Let me introduce myself. My name is Catalina, and I’m the 20-something travel addict and blogger behind Miss Adventures Abroad.

I'm originally from a small town in the Midwest, but I have always had a love for exploring this great big world. In fact, before my 18th birthday, I had already visited 6/7 continents. (Years later, and I'm still waiting on Antarctica...but I'll get there!)

As of today, I've wandered through 28 countries and counting, and have lived and worked in Europe on and off for the past several years.

Miss Adventures Abroad
John Lennon Wall. Prague, Czech Republic.

I originally created Miss Adventures Abroad back in 2015 after I first moved to Europe as a way to share my adventures living in Italy with family and friends back home. Today, the blog has grown into so much more.

Miss Adventures Abroad is a resource for fellow travel addicts, study abroad students, English teachers and Auxiliares de Conversación in Spain, and those looking to live and work abroad. As I literally work my way around the world, I hope to inspire others to travel and make bold moves. I love sharing my travel tips and experiences in Italy, Spain, Europe, and beyond with all of you.

New to the blog? Try checking out these popular topics!
So, how did this crazy adventure begin?

My first (and easiest) move was to sunny southern California, where I attended the University of California, Irvine and majored in Art History and Theater. (You'll have to forgive me for the nerdy art references you'll find sprinkled throughout my posts!)

While I didn't end up becoming an antiquities expert or the next Julia Roberts, I did enroll in an Italian class. An Italian class that would change my life. (If only someone would have told me that when I was struggling to get to campus by 9 AM five days a week.)

In an attempt to finish out my language requirement the easy way, I somehow convinced my parents to let me spend a month studying abroad in Florence, Italy. Spending a summer in the birthplace of the Italian Renaissance is pretty much every art history (and wine) lover's dream.


Graduation. Travel.

After a month "studying" in Florence, a few things were abundantly clear. I was head over heels in love with Florence, I wasn't ready to leave Europe, and a summer abroad simply wasn't going to cut it for me.

Unfortunately, I had a few details to take care of back in the states. Like graduating.

As I completed my final year of school, all of my friends started getting "serious" jobs, and I began to panic. I wasn't quite ready to settle into a 9-5 job, and Europe was still calling my name.

As luck would have it, I applied for and landed my dream job working as a student travel guide in Florence, Italy. And I firmly believe that choosing to live and work abroad after graduating is the best decision I've ever made.

Moving to Italy
Florence, Italy

And so, with just $2,000, I packed up my bags and moved back to Florence. As a student travel guide, I spent my days handing out flyers and selling trips, my nights promoting our tour company at events, and my weekends on overnight bus rides leading study abroad students throughout Italy and Europe.

It was simultaneously the most fun and exhausting job I have ever had. I literally got paid to travel to over 10 countries and 20 cities, which is pretty sweet if you ask me.

However, over time, following the same itineraries became less exciting, and I began to crave creating some adventures on my own.

After a year working in Italy, I again packed up my bags and embarked on a 3-month journey through Greece, Spain, Portugal, and Morocco.


Santorini. Greece.

I spent 30 days working for a stand-up paddleboard company in Greece, worked my way through Barcelona, Madrid, and much of Andalusia, rented a smart car and soaked in hot springs off the coast of Portugal, slept under the stars of the Moroccan Sahara, and so much more.

It truly was the adventure of a lifetime.

But like all good things, it had to come to an end. My visa (and money) had run out and it was time to return to the United States.

I spend the next few months living at home with my family, lamenting Chicago winters, ironically working at an Italian restaurant, and scheming up new ways to move to Europe.

Which brings me to my latest adventure...

Teaching English In Spain

After just a few months of living at home, I applied was accepted to teach English in Spain as an Auxiliar de Conversación.

Before I knew it, I was headed back to Spain, visa in hand, ready to set up shop in Sevilla, the city I currently call home.

Today, I spend my days teaching 6-12-year-olds English in a town outside of Sevilla, and my weekends traveling and blogging.

You can read more about my experiences teaching English in Spain here!

Thanks For Reading!
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My crazy lifestyle of living abroad certainly isn't for everyone, but I wouldn't have it any other way.

I may not live a conventional life, or have conventional jobs, but living in Europe, seeing the world, and sharing all of my experiences here has enriched my life so much.

Thank you so much for stopping by, and I hope that I've inspired you to create your own life of adventure (and Miss Adventures), whatever that may mean for you.

Happy travels!

May adventures await you,
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  1. Eloise on September 26, 2015 at 1:02 am

    Hi Catalina,
    Good job on you blog! I have nominated you for a Liebster award! 😉

  2. Vivien on November 16, 2015 at 8:04 pm

    Hello Catalina!

    I love all your posts about Florence! I also studied abroad there and completely fell in love, so I was wondering how you got your start in being a tour guide there? Hope you’re having the best adventures!



    • Catalina on November 23, 2015 at 6:17 pm

      Hi Vivien! I’m happy to hear you have enjoyed my posts about beautiful Firenze! I will send you a personal message regarding working in Italy! Also, loved your blog-your photos are so cute!

  3. Gabi @ Books & Trips on January 2, 2016 at 9:19 pm

    Hi Catalina,

    I just spent an hour reading through your blog and I really enjoyed it! I love the posts about your hometown, I’ve been there in 2011 and 2012 and fell in love with this beautiful city. You are a lucky lady!

    Anyway, I just wanted to drop by and tell you that you are doing a great job with this blog! Keep it up!

    Best wishes from Bucharest, Romania

    • Catalina on January 5, 2016 at 8:11 am

      Hello Gabi! I am so pleased to hear that you enjoy my site and that you too found a love for Florence! Hope you are doing well and that you return to this beautiful city someday!

  4. Natasha on February 1, 2017 at 12:10 am

    I am jealous of your dream job! I will be visiting Italy in June and I’m about to give up on planning our days in Venice, Cinque Terre and Florence!. It’s overwhelming.

    • Catalina on February 12, 2017 at 5:59 pm

      Thanks so much! It really is such a great way to explore Italy! Yes planning can be overwhelming, but hopefully you’ll find my posts on Florence and my Cinque Terre Guide to be of use! Feel free to e-mail me with any specific questions you may have!

  5. Andreea U. on February 8, 2017 at 3:23 pm

    Hi Catalina,

    I was just wandering on the internet trying to gather all the info about Firenze as I will arrive there this week and I stumbbled upon your website and fell in love with your stories and pictures.
    Congratulations for your work and thank you for all the tips!

    Hugs from Bucharest, Romania


    • Catalina on February 12, 2017 at 6:02 pm

      Hello Andreea,

      I am so glad that you discovered my site and I hope you found all of my posts about my favorite city to be helpful! Thank you so much for reaching out and I’ sure you will have an amazing time and will fall for Firenze just like I did!

  6. Andreea U. on February 13, 2017 at 3:39 pm

    Just so you know… I fell in love with Firenze shortly after I got there so….you were right!
    We had an amazing time, got lost on the little streets, enjoyed the views on Ponte Vecchio and had a prosecco and a pizza bianca with carciofi at Mangia Pizza. Ahhhhh and that gelato! Made me a sinner!
    We walked through the city from 11AM till`18PM.


    Thank you again,


    • Catalina on February 20, 2017 at 5:42 pm

      Ciao Andreea! Yay! It is so great to know that you loved Firenze, and I’m so glad you found my blog before your trip! It sounds like you had an excellent time. And I know-the gelato and pizza is to die for! Thanks for reading, hopefully you will return to Florence again some day!

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